
Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family (Brassica species) with large, dark green flowering head branching out from a thick stalk that is light green in color with small leaves attached to it.


The word broccoli comes from the Italian plural of broccolo, which means "the flowering crest of a cabbage", and is the diminutive form of brocco, meaning "small nail" or "sprout".(Source: Wikipedia)

Origin of Broccoli

Broccoli resulted from breeding of landrace Brassica crops in the northern Mediterranean starting in about the sixth century BC. Broccoli has its origins in primitive cultivars grown in the Roman empire and was most likely improved via artificial selection in the southern Italian Peninsula or in Sicily.

 Broccoli was spread to northern Europe by the 18th century and brought to North America in the 19th century by Italian immigrants.

 After the Second World War, breeding of US and Japanese F1 hybrids increased yields, quality, growth speed, and regional adaptation, which produced the cultivars that have been the most popular since then.

(Source : Wikipedia)



What's special in Broccoli?

The above image itself will say how much nutrients are loaded in this green colored vegetable. 

Broccoli is rich in 

  • Fiber
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamin C  
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Minerals like potassium magnesium zinc and iron
  • Vitamin K 1
  • Phytochemicals and
  • Various bioactive compounds.

Broccoli is a superfood...Why?

            Being a "nutrient packed powerhouse" the benefits of Broccoli are innumerable.

Prevents cancer and tumor

              The body produces molecules called "free radicals" during metabolism that are toxic in large amounts which cause cell damage that leads to cancer. The dietary antioxidants in Broccoli neutralize them and eliminate from human body. 

Most of the cruciferous vegetables contain indole-3-carbinol that found to be powerful against tumor formation.

Broccoli and bone health:

                Calcium and collagen work together to make strong bones. The body needs Vitamin C to make collagen. This superfood Broccoli, rich in both Calcium and Vitamin C, thus improves the bone health.

                  Vitamin K has a main role in blood coagulation (blood clotting). It is also found that this Vitamin helps to prevent osteoporosis in elders. Broccoli is rich in Vitamin K that helps to make the bone healthy.

Improves skin health:

             Vitamin C in Broccoli helps to produce collagen which is the main support system for body tissues and cells of various organs including skin. Thus it helps to prevent skin damage including wrinkling due to aging.

Sulforaphane in Broccoli: 

            Broccoli and all cruciferous vegetables contains a compound called Sulforaphane and it is a master antioxidant in human body. It augments and restores blood and cellular glutathione levels.

             This glutathione helps to combat against free radicals that are produced because of body metabolism and other factors.

Broccoli and Diabetes:

            Rich in fibre, Broccoli helps to manage the blood sugar levels.

Prevents Cardio Vascular Diseases:

            Cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of atherosclerosis - a condition where the blood vessels shrink due to the build up of fats, cholesterol and other substances that can lead to heart attack or stroke.

Bioactive compounds reduce inflammation:

                Scientists found that the antioxidant effect of Sulforaphane in Broccoli helped to reduce the inflammation markers in various lab tests.

                                 Also, Kaempferol, a flavonoid in Broccoli, demonstrates strong anti-inflammatory capacity in both animal and test-tube studies.

Broccoli in autistic diet:

            The master antioxidant Sulforaphane in Broccoli found to improve the symptoms related autism. Kids with symptoms of autism showed good improvements in verbal communications and social interactions as researchers reported in October 13,2014 "Journal Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences".

Broccoli - an effective detoxifier:

            Phytochemicals glucoraphanin, gluconastrutiin and glucobrassicin forms a terrific trio in Broccoli. Together they aid in all steps of detoxification - from activation to neutralization and elimination of contaminants.

 Which is more nutritious? - raw, boiled or steamed

            Sensible cooking always preserves the nutrients in food and sometimes increase the bioavailability in them. The method of cooking affects the nutritive value of Broccoli.

            A person looking for anti-cancer property in Broccoli should not cook it too long. A 2007 University of Warwick study found that boiling broccoli can undermine the effect of food's good, cancer-enzymes.

            Steaming up to 20 minutes, microwaving up to three minutes and stir-frying up to five minutes produce NO significant loss of cancer-preventive properties. Raw broccoli maintains all of its nutrients, but is also more likely to irritate your bowels and gas. the bio active compounds are also tend to diminished during prolonged cooking.

Yummy and Slimmy

Yummy to the yummiest recipes can be made with Broccoli by adding cheese and butter and also by baking sautéing and many other cooking methods. At the same time using this green veggie you can make slim diets like salads by adding olive oil and other veggies.

Broccoli as Nutraceutical and functional food: 

Broccoli has been marketed as health promoting food because it naturally has a high content of bioactive phytochemicals, and thus, it is considered as a functional food. Phenolic compounds mainly hydro cinnamic acids and flavonoids in Broccoli are considered as nutraceuticals.

        Glucosinolates is one of the distinctive nutraceutical compound in almost all cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli sprout is taken orally for prostrate cancer, schizophrenia, high cholesterol, allergy, asthma, cancer and stomach ulcers. Broccoli sprout extract is applied to the skin to prevent sunburn.

            Also Broccoli extracts are produced and marketed in the form of powders and capsules to prevent and cure health issues like diabetes, skin problems and autism etc.

            Many more such active compounds like carotenoids and quercetin are present in this nutritious vegetable that are gaining importance in nutraceutical industry. It will be so apt to call this veggie as "Super food" as it stocks almost all the nutrients and bioactive compounds necessary for a disease free healthy body.

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