IMMUNE BOOSTERS - AMLA(Indian Gooseberry)

Indian Gooseberry or Amla(Nellikkai) is a round shaped, light green colored fruit with vertical stripes. It holds amazing health benefits which have been well appre nociated from ages. This fruit has been an important part in Ayurvedic and Siddha medicines since long time. It rejuvenates the cells and tissues in the body and supports the immune system.

What's so special inside this glassy fruit?
             A wide range of nutrients are present in Amla.
  • Vitamin C - a natural antioxidant 
  • Minerals like Calcium, Phosphorous
  • Vitamin B
  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Iron 
  • Niacin and so on. 

This amazing Amla offers you
  • A "sound immune power" to fight against disease conditions
                The Vitamin C content of Amla makes it an excellent source of antioxidants that builds up your immunity and metabolism. It fights with both viral ad bacterial diseases efficiently and reduce the impact of various health problems like cancer and heart problems.
                         Amla works efficiently in fighting against common cold. Consuming Amla powder mixing with honey, twice or thrice a day will help to get relief from common cold and cough. Also it helps in the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract and soothe the inflamed airways.

  • Flawless skin The Vitamin C and iron in Amla improves the skin texture by reducing wrinkles and scales due to aging. It also helps to treat and prevent skin conditions like acne, pigmentation etc. High amount of Vitamin C helps in collagen formation which makes the skin appear firm, soft and supple.
  • Lustrous and frizzy less hair: Amla is a natural tonic to our hair. The Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) in Amla helps to prevent dandruff, hair fall and delays greying of hair. It acts as a natural conditioner that makes your hair soft and shiny.
  • Stimulates digestive functions: Amla stimulates gastric juice secretions required to accelerate digestion, absorption and assimilation of food and thus prevents acidity.

  • Regulates Blood sugar levels: Amla prevents the irregular spike in the blood sugar levels due to the high content of chromium in it.
  • Prevents from bowel irritation: High fiber in Amla helps to regulate the bowel movements and thus prevents from  various digestive ailments like  constipation, bowel irritation, Diarrhea and other such problems.
  • Purifies blood: The polyphenols present in this superfood flushes out the toxins and prevents body from oxidative stress and developing chronic health conditions. 
  • Good for mental health: The phytonutrients present in Amla fight against the free radicals and prevent the damage of brain cells. The high antioxidant content improves brain functioning and sharpens the memory. it also acts as a stress reliever by inducing the secretion of few feel-good hormones in our body.
                 With such a wide range of nutrients  there is no doubt that this wonder fruit  does miracles in human body. A thoughtful planning of adding this fruit in our regular diet may help to prevent us from various health ailments and will make us stay young, fit and healthy for longer.

                Here is a simple recipe of making Amla juice which can be a healthy substitute to our morning coffee/tea.

Ingredients: ( For 2 servings)
  • Amla - 4 medium sized
  • Curry leaves - a handful
  • Water - as needed
  • Jaggery - as per taste 
            Deseed the amlas and grind them with curry leaves and extract the juice. Add little water to it and repeat the extraction for two more times. To this add jaggery and a pinch of salt if needed and consume it fresh. 

            Browse for various amla recipes like amla murabba amla pickle and amla rice in websites and include them in your daily diet.
